Antibodies to detect LINE-1-encoded proteins ORF1p antibodies We developed a mouse monoclonal antibody, 4H1, that recognizes epitope MENDFDELRE on human LINE-1 ORF1p. The reagent can be purchased from Millipore Sigma (catalog no. MABC1152).
ORF2p antibodies We developed a rabbit monoclonal antibody, MT49, that recognizes epitope DRSTRQ in the EN domain of ORF2p. The reagent can be purchased from Abcam (catalog no. ab263435).
Reference: LINE-1 ORF2p expression is nearly imperceptible in human cancers. Ardeljan D, Wang X, Oghbaie M, Taylor MS, Husband D, Deshpande V, Steranka JP, Gorbounov M, Yang WR, Sie B, Larman HB, Jiang H, Molloy KR, Altukhov I, Li Z, McKerrow W, Fenyö D*, Burns KH*, LaCava J*. Mob DNA. 2019 Dec 31;11:1.
Plasmids Our lab has deposited LINE-1 expression plasmids at Addgene.
Transposon Insertion Profiling (TIP)seq protocols These two manuscripts detail our protocol for amplifying LINE-1 insertions sites in the human genome:
Software for Quantifying Interspersed Repeat Expression (SQuIRE) Our lab has developed a computational approach for evaluating interspersed repeat expression in RNAseq data. This can be used to identify L1, ERV, and Alu expression that may be involved in viral mimicry.